with the self driving car?
Autonomous Vehicles stand to change the way people in the United States recreate.
As extremely inexpensive taxis and autonomous vehicles dominate transportation at below the cost of mass transit, pedestrian focused informal settlements at the exurban edges of urban agglomerations will become a very affordable option for low and no wage people. As inner cities solidly become open air malls for the working and wealthy, jobless rural people, jobless formerly urban displaced people, and the working poor may find cheap transitory housing in these informal settlements in the exurbs. Google's campus designs give potential visuals for this kind of partitioned transitory space under a plastic sheet or covering of some kind.
Health provider/payer groups are likely to build clinics in these pedestrian friendly informal spaces because of the inflow of jobless high risk residents, and the availability of collected data to promote lifestyle related behavioral change for low cost care. Google's sister company Sidewalk Labs has already started one such lab, "cityblock" which articulates the potential value of capitalizing on reducing costs to payer/providers in high risk pedestrian populations.
People who live in these exurban clusters may create new forms of recreation beyond automobile based "trips." Rather, small gatherings in informal spaces may serve to address people's collective and individual desires.
In this kind of minimalist, transient, tent-scape we are left in a state of equanimity, to make merry in the presence of each other! With the end of "vacation,"suddenly the act of living life itself becomes the process within which we have to find our esacpe. The "date" and the "trip" are collapsed into everyday commitments such as "marriage" and "daily life."
This is why, in our matchaparty, we bring people together to explore what is the meaning of impermanence beyond recreation.
The event in Virginia at the end of January celebrates the marriage of Dr. David B. Hoffman, medical physicist. What better way to celebrate "the end of recreation" in the midst of winter than with a transient japanese tea ceremony in an exurban tent in front of a warm fire in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Along with discussion will be a roast goat, matcha, and scotch.
Reserve your spot now call
509 290 3456 Alan teahut@matchaparty.com